first of all, this is not about lemonade!
let's talk about REWANG!
first time I heard that from my colleague, I have NO IDEA at all!
diorang cakap
"bawa pisau, esok ada rewang"
"wear something comfy tomorrow, shirt and tracksuit"
hah?? what the hell is that??
are we going to kill someone?? (LULZ)
for the next day..
I did wear something comfy and I didn't bring a knife.
the reason why I didn't bring a knife because I only have ONE at home, so if I bring that to the office how the hell mom going to cut an onion for our lunch? hahahaha
so, early morning ask everyone if their have extra knife.
so I found it (thanx to her)
so, we begin the REWANG ACTIVITY
so this is what they call "Rewang"
"gotong royong -perempuan potong potong segala yang boleh di potong untuk di masak KECUALI ayam dan daging..(guys gonna do that).. dan lelaki punya tugas adalah memasak secara gotong royong juga"
so, aktiviti rewang ni adalah sempena sambutan maulidurrasul di tempat kerja.
me and my son, mom and daenerys couldn't join us because it was a late of night. not good for a baby to attend this (sia rasa lah)!
okay! lesson learn!
sebelum ni waktu di sabah x pernah dengar rewang ni.. sudah sampai sini barulah tahu dan faham!
ok lah. at least I came here and learn their culture as well!
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