what to expect this year??
well I have some to achieve. let me share a bit about it!

I really really wanted to learn how to bike..
and I will try my best to learn that!

I wish to clear my PTPTN debt so after that I could be the normal me again.
(normal me refer to love travelling me, which is the type of person that cant stay long in a place)
I need to travel to anywhere as long as I travel, but since PTPTN has blacklisting me, I cant go anywhere anymore.. :(
so, this year I wish I could change that!

I wanted to be HAPPY than last year!

till next time, chao

My Solemnization Ceremony

That day was so beautiful and meaningful for me, I wish I could capture the feeling too !  I could only capture the moment with the photo, remembering the good times when I'm looking back at the photos, but the feeling, at that moment, is so beautiful I cant recall. It was fresh, delicate and there was butterfly on my stomach. I feel beautiful, I'm not having any food at my own ceremony but I don't hungry at all. It was so fun but a lil bit chaos cause who know, what the real story behind every picture? 
Well, after getting ready, I was rushing to go to the masjid, as soon as I enter the car, guess what?
my husband is the one who was driving.. 
say whattt??
the groom drive himself to his own wedding??
I was sitting next to my husband who was driving to our solemnization ceremony while the wali keep on calling me asking we to drive fast cause' he need to go to another wedding.. -__-

and finally, 
even after the chaos, 
look at us..
we are happily married

a few days after married

this photo was starting to rust at my draft section..
think I should uploaded this for my future reference of how 'sweet' we are as a husband and wife.haha

p/s I love you so much husband.


My bridal room decoration, I like it how I decorate my room too bad I did not own the house :(
and now I didn't live there anymore cause' ive been moved to West Malaysia for work.
for 2018, I wish I can clear most of my debt so I could make it easier for me to buy a house, 3 years from now.. slowly but surely.. I will buy a house for my kid and mom. InsyaaAllah. :)

New Year Eve

How about start blogging??


cause' I feel like I want to keep this memories forever.. (hehe)

Pantai Chenang

Assalamualaikum and Hello my readers. It was a HOT day at Langkawi!  Furthermore, it was a beach, guys! No beach in Malaysia was co...